June 2013 Trades

June 2013 trade summary statistics and comments
Statistics for June were not all that good even though I had a profitable month.
Barely breaking the 50-50 mark on Winners vs. Losers+B/E...I took far too many trades.

I also took far too many screenshots. Not all the charts this month have notations
nor are they all trade charts. Still, they are a good reflection of what I considered  important at the time.
 They also are a good record of my layout & chart template evolution...
June 28...3/6...+23
June 27...2/3...+21

June 26...3/4 1 BE...+3

6-24-2013 5-5 +24

6-21-2013 2-2 +19

6-20-2013 4-2  +39

I'm in the process of uploading the rest of this month's trade charts...